
My name is Chris.

I’m the Analytics Director at Mobiah and I build stuff for the Internet.

Most of the time I plan and build custom Google Analytics implementations for people who want to understand how their customers use their website. Other times I write custom WordPress themes and plugins. And I spend a lot of time planning, designing, building, and analyzing experiments in Google Optimize and Optimizely.

We recenctly launched GoLiveScan to help you get a handle on your website's performance:

Let's build something.

Off the shelf or custom everything.

20+ years of experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Certifications in Google Analytics and Optimizely. Expert-level knowledge of WordPress, Marketo, Amazon Web Services, and HTML Email.

The HTML logo
The WordPress logo
The Optimizely logo
The Marketo logo
The Gravity Forms logo
The Amazon Web Services logo
The Alexa logo
The Advanced Custom Fields logo
The Sendgrid logo
The Litmus logo

Dig into the data.

Are you getting the full story on your website performance?

I can help you get the most out of your website but using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Hubspot. These little snippets of code run behind the scenes and paint the full picture of yours users' experience on your website.

  • ga:country
  • ga:region
  • ga:browser
  • ga:deviceCategory
  • ga:operatingSystem
  • ga:screenResolution
  • ga:sourcedirect

Try something different.

How can we make it better?

Using tools like Optimizley and Google Optimize, we can test and track changes to a small subset of your website visitors before rolling them out to everyone.

It's been swell.

Keep the conversation going by contacting me in one of these ways:

For big projects, take a look at Mobiah and GoLiveScan to see if we'd be a fit.